How to Pick the Perfect Watermelon
Just a simple how-to on picking the right melon!
Delicious and healthy, watermelons provide a delicious snack and are found all across the planet. Which melon is ripe and which one is juicy is simple to determine with a few tricks.
Weight is wonderful
No matter the size of the melon, a heavy melon is a better melon. Look for ones that seem too heavy for their size, they will be more dense and better to eat. If you find two of similar weight but different size, go with the smaller one. It will be a better meal than the oversized light melon.
Coloring between the lines
Look at the color of the melon. If it has a big yellow spot on one side, that’s great! It means it spent a considerable amount of time sitting in a field in the sun ripening. The riper the melon, the sweeter and juicier it will be. Look for grey lines as well, usually indented into the rind. These are caused by bees attempting to bite their way into the melon for its juicy nectar and show that it’s a melon even bees won’t leave alone! Lastly, check for distinct lines on the rind. If the overall color is hard to tell apart from the stripes, it’s most likely under-ripe.
Knock knock
Give it a solid knock, not a slap. By knocking, it will be easier to hear the timbre of the thump and therefore easier to judge how ripe it is. Ripe melons have a deep, hollow, tenor sound. If the melon is ripe enough, it’ll sound almost as loud as wooden box. Under-ripe and over-ripe melons will sound deeper but duller. If you are out at a farmer’s market, compare it to knocking on wood. If it’s a hollow piece, it’ll sound ripe!
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